Friday, April 18, 2014

Who The Hell Does Donald Trump Think He Is Talking About Kim Novak's Appearance

I loved seeing Kim Novak at the Academy Awards this year, its always strange when the Actors who have aged are not doing Film of Television work anymore. Quite often people cast youth not realizing how great the older actors would be in new projects. Eli Wallach as a main character in "The Holiday" is a Great example.
While Donald Trump was watching The Oscars he decided to comment on Kim's appearance, yes I know the guy who only has Beautiful Women in his life because of all the cash he has feels a need to talk about LOOKS.

In the future The Donald should find a mirror,  take off his Rose colored glasses and look at himself clearly for the Trolling Dirty Pig Little Dicked Bastard we all see him as.
Lord knows an 81 year old Woman like Kim Novak would never be with TRASH like Donald Trump but if you ever see the Donald on the streets, just go over and tell him what a PRICK he is for the typical behavior of a TROLL coming out from under the bridge.
 Call him Donald or Rumpelstiltskin both fit well.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fake Bomb Left At Boston Marathon Location

A backpack that was left unattended on Boylston Street at the finish line of the Boston Marathon... Do you remember that story a year ago about the bombings at the BOSTON MARATHON... so what IDIOT is so STUPID they left a BAG anywhere in Boston... the owner of the bag told the Police he had a rice cooker in his bag.. I myself want to Beat to Death anyone planting a Bomb or even a Hoax device.. this Half-Witt does not deserve to live in the United States !
I want to shove that Rice-Cooker right up his ASS !
25-year-old Kevin Edson has been arrested and goes by Kayvon Edson on YouTube. I have lived in New York for 30 years now and lived in New York City when 911 had happened, I have great pride in how New Yorkers rallied and did for one another at a time of such fear of Terrorism. At the time I worked part time in a Gay Bar with over 200 customers who worked in the World Trade Center, as the weeks went on we all waited to find out if our friends and family had been killed, I knew 3 individuals who all worked in the building and was close friends with, luckily 1 had the day off, 1 didn't go in till 10 AM and sad to say 1 friend had died. Through-out New York city photos of possible victims put on walls, many locations just asking have you seen this person, with the hope that they where still alive.
 I am a Gay Atheist and on many occasions of my life I have heard Religious people tell me I should not exist, so who the Hell are you to tell me such a thing. My Lutheran Grandmother used to say "Sunday Christians, Monday Devils", that describes anyone that feels their beliefs are stronger or more important than mine could ever be.

Amy's Baking Company Back On Kitchen Nightmares, Poor Gordon Ramsey

The first time these crazy people showed up on "Kitchen Nightmares" they just plain acted NUTS, now with all of the interviews they have done and flipping out on Facebook... they are just plain Certifiable.